A Big THANK YOU! to all the dear listeners who pray for us daily, and send in notes of encouragement. Please know that YOU are a blessing, and that what you do for Jesus will never be overlooked by your Heavenly Father!
“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is My disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Matthew 10:42
Our Story
Based in the great Midwest State of Indiana, Redeemed Quartet has shared their music with a widespread audience, from the stages of America’s small-town country churches, to digital platforms across the world, and venues in between. For the past decade, they have seen opened doors, changed lives (including their own), and overall, undeniable evidence of the enduring nature of God and His Word despite the growing decay around us today.
From their start in 2014, their mission has been to shine a light in the darkness and lift the weary traveler, while showcasing four-part harmony and life-changing lyrics. Raised on traditional Gospel music and Biblical values, the 4 best friends (who are 2 sets of brothers) were called by God from the hills of Southern Indiana. At ages 16, 17, 18, & 19, they took to singing practice four nights per week.
Internet recognition grew in 2015 after posting a simple live video of the classic “Just A Little Talk With Jesus”. Within a matter of months, the budding quartet found a quickly growing audience of online listeners and avid fans. As numbers rose, requests began pouring in from all over the US. The guys traveled extensively for several years; their routes reaching west to Alaska, and north into Canada, with the majority of their bookings located in the Mid-Southeast of the country.
Presently, the group travels locally on a leisurely schedule in order to intentionally prioritize their families, while maintaining a regular schedule of video & studio productions. Their album lineup includes: My Best Friend (2017), Final Invitation (2018), & Timeless Classics (2021), Those Were The Days, (2023), and I’ve Been Redeemed (2024).
…And the song lives on!
Nate Duncan
I sing tenor for the quartet and do paintless dent repair as my main job. My wife and I live on a small farm in Central Indiana. I'm thankful for the opportunity singing gives, to encourage others, and to be a testimony of our Lord in these dark and uncertain times.
Caleb Koble
Lead/ Baritone
I sing lead/baritone in the quartet, and also help with some of the quartet’s on-line communications.
Besides singing, I am involved in the woodworking trade. My wife and I live in Northern Indiana.
My greatest desire is to be a light in this dark world!
“Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:15-16
Ben Duncan
Baritone/ Lead
I handle a good amount of the business side of RQ, in addition to my share of the baritone and lead vocals. Productions and logistics management are also job descriptions.
During the day I work in construction management here in Northern Indiana, where I am happily married.
I am somewhat of a writer and enjoy dabbling in various forms of storytelling: the written page, song, spoken word, and cinema. I enjoy the lessons that can be learned from history and it's my desire to live completely for God.
Josh Koble
Other than singing bass for the quartet, I also help with our CD shipments. During the work week I renovate houses. I have a desire to be an encouragement to others, so I am thankful to be able to do that through song!
A Testimony Of A Rescued Soul
I want to tell you a story of God's all-knowing, abundant love for each soul, and how He will use any willing vessel to reach and touch a heart in need. Not long ago, we were sharing our music with a local congregation. We had a good evening, and it seemed many folks were blessed. I believe the Spirit of God was there, helping us to sing from our hearts.
The next day, we received a message:
"I am going through depression, very discouraged, and ready to give up on life.
Last night I was planning on killing myself, but a friend invited me to your concert. I want to thank the Lord for using you to save my life."
We were able to share with this dear person more encouragement from the Scriptures, and spent time praying for them. What a blessing to have a small part in a life spared! It’s a good reminder to never underestimate the power of a testimony!